On an iPad or Tablet
Go to “Home” (tap on the "home" icon in the left sidebar of your screen)
Tap the orange “New Meeting” button
Tap the blue “Start a Meeting” button
Tap “Wifi” for audio
Now you’re ready to start adjusting your Zoom settings
Hide Non-Video Participants
Tap on your screen
Look at the top right corner of your screen
Find “More” with ••• above it
Tap on it
Tap on “Meeting Settings”
Find “Show Non-Video Participants”
If you see a green switch to the right of “Show Non-Video Participants”, tap on it to turn it off
Gallery View
On an iPad (this can only be adjusted when you're in the meeting with us during the show):
Tap on your screen
Find “Switch to Gallery View” on the top left side of your screen
Tap on it
Go to “Home” (tap on the "home" icon in the left sidebar of your screen)
Tap the orange “New Meeting” button
Tap the blue “Start a Meeting” button
Tap “Wifi” for audio
Now you’re ready to start adjusting your Zoom settings
Hide Non-Video Participants
Tap on your screen
Look at the bottom right corner of your screen
Find “More” with ••• above it
Tap on it
Tap on “Meeting Settings”
Find “Show Non-Video Participants”
If you see a green switch to the right of “Show Non-Video Participants”, tap on it to turn it off
Gallery View
On a Tablet (this can only be adjusted when you're in the meeting with us during the show):
Tap on your screen
In the left hand upper corner, if it says "Active Speaker" then leave it
If it says switch to gallery view then tap on that