Upcoming Shows
Red Thread Playback Theatre
Your Story
Sunday, February 16
10:00 am MST
12:00 pm EST
5:00 pm GMT
7:00 pm IST
On Zoom
$5 - $20
PAST SHOWS (2019 - 2025)
Saturday, January 18 "New Directions" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, December 15 "Holiday Stories" 10:00 am on Zoom
Saturday, November 16 "The Untold Story" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, September 15 "The Kindness of Strangers" 10:00 am on Zoom
Saturday, August 17 "Lost & Found" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, July 21 "Stories of Freedom" 10:00 am on Zoom
Saturday, June 15 "Stories in Cars" 10:00 am on Zoom
Saturday, May 18 "Milestones" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, April 21 "Stories of Foolish Behavior" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, March 17 "Finding Common Ground" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, February 18 "Childhood Stories" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, January 14 "Stories of Wow" 10:00 am on Zoom
Saturday, November 18 "Family Stories" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, October 22 "Changing Seasons" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, September 24 "Weather Stories" 10:00 am on Zoom
Saturday, August 19 "Stories of Discovery" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, July 23 "Stories in Cars" 10:00 am on Zoom
Saturday, July 1 "Stories of Freedom" 8:00 pm Theater O, 5311 Western Ave, Suite 120, Boulder, CO 80301
Sunday, June 25 "Stories of Pride" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, May 28 "Stories of Cleaning House" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, April 23 "Finding Our Strengths" 10:00 am on Zoom
Saturday, March 25 "Shocks & Surprises" 12:00 pm on Zoom
Sunday, February 18 "Love Stories" 10:00 am on Zoom
Sunday, January 22 "Starting Anew" 12:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, December 17 "Meaningful Gifts" 10:00 am on Zoom
Saturday, November 19 "Memorable Meals That Changed Us" 12:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, October 1 "Stories of Returning Home" 10:00 am on Zoom
Saturday, August 6 "Summer Adventures" 8:30 am on Zoom
Saturday, July 9 "Unusual Encounters" 12:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, June 4 "Building Bridges, Stories of Connection" 12:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, November 20 "Stories of Thanks & Giving" 12:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, October 23 "Scary and Not-So-Scary Stories" 7:30 pm Theater O, 5311 Western Ave, Suite 120, Boulder, CO 80301
Saturday, September 18 "Stories of Farewell " 7:30 pm Theater O, 5311 Western Ave, Suite 120, Boulder, CO 80301
Saturday, June 19 "Global Connections" 12:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, May 15 "Down Memory Lane" 1:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, April 10 "Lost & Found Stories" 7:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, March 13 "March Together: Stories of Friendship" 7:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, February 13 "Stories of the Heart" 12:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, January 16 "Rising from the Ashes" 7:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, December 19 "Holiday Stories" 7:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, November 21 "Stories of Coming Together" 12:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, October 24 "Halloween Stories!" 7:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, September 26 "Silver Linings" 7:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, September 5 "Finding Our Way in Times of Uncertainty" 12:00 pm on Zoom (We were selected to perform at the Pre-European Playback Theatre Gathering 2020)
Saturday, August 22 "Adventurers of Summer" 7:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, July 18 "Stories of Inclusion" 7:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, June 13 "New Beginnings" 8:00 pm on Zoom
Saturday, February 15 "Love Stories" 7:30 pm Theater O, 5311 Western Ave, Suite 120, Boulder, CO 80301
Saturday, January 25 at 7:30 pm Theater O, 5311 Western Ave, Suite 120, Boulder, CO 80301
Saturday, December 7 at 7:30 pm Theater O, 5311 Western Ave, Suite 120, Boulder, CO 80301
Saturday, November 16 at 7:30 pm Theater O, 5311 Western Ave, Suite 120, Boulder, CO 80301
Saturday, October 12 at 7:30 pm Theater O, 5311 Western Ave, Suite 120, Boulder, CO 80301
Saturday, September 21 at 7pm The Historic Ute Theatre, Sagauche, CO
Saturday, September 14 at 7:30 pm Trident Booksellers & Cafe - Back Patio, 940 Pearl Street Boulder, CO 80302
Saturday, August 10 at 7:30 pm Trident Booksellers & Cafe - Back Patio, 940 Pearl Street Boulder, CO 80302
Saturday, June 15 at 7:30 pm Theater O, 5311 Western Ave, Suite 120, Boulder, CO 80301
Saturday, May 11 at 7:30 pm Theater O, 5311 Western Ave, Suite 120, Boulder, CO 80301